As Emerging Young Preachers (EYPs) we often have a lot of energy and a real eagerness to communicate. People usually connect with our passion, our conversational tone, and our “relevant” talk. However, they don’t often speak about how well prepared we are.
Why is that? It would seem that we younger preachers would prepare like crazy. We should be more nervous, right? We should lack some confidence at the task. Why doesn’t this drive us to more diligent preparation?
Let’s walk with humility into the joyful journey of sermon preparation. Why? Well, first of all we’ll be better preachers. Christ is King of the Universe, but content is king of the sermon; and our content is Christ. If we don’t spend a great deal of time working on that content—digging deep into the earth from which a harvest of Christ-focus grows—then we’re missing out and our hearers are missing out.
[box type=”info_box” style=”” class=””]This is part four of the “Emerging Young Preacher” series. Click here for part one, here for part two, and here for part three.[/box]The second reason to do this is that preparing a sermon can actually be even better than delivering one. Seriously. The wonderful phases of sermon prep can be an exciting rush of spiritual adventure and scriptural exploration. There are seasons in my life where I actually grew to love preparing sermons more than delivering them (these were also seasons when I was reworking my delivery to make it more effective).So, in this series on EYPs we’ve taken a look at the identity temptations, unique opportunities, and feedback strategies of the early years of preaching development but now let’s look at the preparation habits of EYPs:
Preparation Habits of Emerging Young Preachers
[highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]If you DON’T have great ideas start with scripture. [/highlight]When we sit down to write a message, or plan a series… we rack our brains trying to come up with a hip cultural reference or pop culture themes that connect with some felt need Christians have something to say about. Many times this process dries up and we don’t have a good idea—so we stall out. But there’s good news… when you don’t have these creative ideas you can just open up the Bible and find a text or book that would speak truth into your congregation and community—one that meets spiritual needs of a profound nature, and that leads them deeply towards Christ. When you don’t have great ideas start with Scripture.[highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]If you DO have great ideas still start with scripture. [/highlight]However, sometimes you DO have some great ideas with hip cultural references and pop culture themes that really sound cool. Before you even start prepping you already have the promo cards in mind. You already can envision a cool video spoof of a summer box-office smash. You are drawing out props on napkins already. Hold up. I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that even when you DO have great ideas like this you need to set them aside and start with scripture. The good news is that all those props and cultural references are a dime a dozen, and you can come up with them later. Yes, it’s not wrong to shoot funny videos and use props and make slick promo cards that get people in the seats. But the FIRST place to start is with what you’re going to say; and your message is not: “I am cool and our church is relevant.” Right? Your message is more than that. Your message is closer to this: “Christ is cool and our church cares.”
[highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]Make your message an arrow.[/highlight] If your sermon aims at nothing you will hit it every time. Somewhere in the middle of the process of preparation—the EYP must find out where this arrow points. What is the big idea; what is scripture saying in this message? What am I trying to convince them of, call them to, commission them for, or compel them to become? Aim the arrow as early as possible.
[highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]Become a quadruple-treat exegetically.[/highlight] Start by exegeting the scriptures, for sure. But a great EYP starts to exegete their congregation, their community, and their culture at large in the preparation process.
[highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]In the end, couple prayer with every point of the preparation process.[/highlight] Pray and Listen. Pray and Read. Pray and Write. Pray and Practice. Pray and Preach.[highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]So, what’s your take? What is a key preparation habit you employ?[/highlight]
I think it’s interesting that you assume that EYPs will not be preaching every Sunday. Statistically, this is probably true, I suppose, but I for one think that more EYPs should consider becoming solo pastors and therefore weekly preaching engagements. Solo pastorates may not be as glorious, exploratory, or even financially lucrative as serving on staff at the latest, greatest would-be megachurch, but they can offer unparalleled opportunity for EYPs to learn, grow, and lead. Additionally, while there are very real challenges for small churches and EYPs entering solo pastorate situations, those same small congregations are generally incredibly loving and forgiving of the mistakes and missteps that EYPs will make. I would commend to the consideration of EYPs, particularly those still in college or seminary, solo pastorates where they will be expected to preach week in and week out.
Amen! Thanks for this post. I was a solo pastor (church planter) for my first 4 years out of seminary and while there are huge drawbacks to planting a church right out of school like I did (such as the loneliness, depression, and self-loathing I acquired — but more on that later)… there really is something about preaching every week that teaches you preaching.
As you intimate, statistically EYPs don’t preach every week as much as those over 40… but I did put it this way: “One of the advantages of EYPs is they are not usually preaching each Sunday. ”
So, I’m not assuming this of all EYPs, just that they are usually not doing so, and should take advantage of it.
Imagine how good you’d be with a whole month to prep every message? 🙂
Since I am already the best preacher in history, I shutter to think how good I’d be! 😛
(Yes, that was sarcasm.)
You are correct. I did not mean to intimate that you were saying ALL EYPs don’t preach every week. I should have said “…you assume that MOST EYPs…” Thank you for the clarification.
And by the way, I completely agree with all the points you made above. Regardless of whether you’re preaching once per week or once per hour (thinking John Wesley there), proper preparation is vital. We must always start with Scripture, carefully illustrate, properly cite the sources that we use (and notice the assumption that you are using sources other than yourself!), exegete both the text and the context, and pray through the entire process. How many times have I been stumped at some point in the process because – and only because – I failed to take one of those steps!
For sure… I miss the prayer steps along the way the most. Yet I’ve never regretted an hour I spent praying for a message.
Sorry, I can’t read your article without Michael Jackson’s “Pretty Young Thing (PYT)” going in my head. I want to love you. EYP!
I don’t even preach on a regular basis, but this is the approach I would take if I did. I think this implies a care for the Word of God, a cautious spirit to deliver it accurately and with authority, as well as a genuine love for God’s people and their continual molding into God’s image. This is for my “Resources folder. 🙂
Thanks, Randy… glad I made the Randy’s Resources file!
I am a 29 year old senior pastor that has to preach on a weekly basis. I am incredibly fortunate to have a staff of people that have the gift of teaching. This year I am not teaching the month of August because the team is preaching a series. I pull this team together on a regular basis to search scripture and create series for at least 6 months out (sometimes longer)…Having Godly people speak into the process is a HUGE benefit…We’ve gone to places I would have never gone because of this team…I am a long term planner, I teach many series within a year with one central theme for the year. This year I feel strongly that our theme ought to be intimacy with God, every series and every sermon points to that. Great article Dave! Thanks
I love how you’re using a teaching team… I know from my time at spring lake–where we had a fully functioning weekly teaching team and rotating preaching–that when you’re in this it makes a world of difference and develops young preachers while also giving some helpful tweaks to older preachers. I dig it, glad you’re doing it so earnestly.