My oldest child turned 13 years old this summer. He and I have an agreement: now that he’s 13 I’m not allowed to post pictures of him or mention his name on social media without his permission. (I can do this for his younger siblings at will, however, until they are 13.) However, you will note that I don’t mention his name or post a picture of him to embarrass him in front of his friends, so this post is 100% teenager kosher.
Now, to the point.
I need your help.
[highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]THE PREMISE[/highlight]
I don’t think that just because my son is 13 that he should suddenly watch every PG-13 film that exists. I would rather my kids learn judgement, not judgementalism. I prefer that they appreciate rules but value what’s right even when it doesn’t “break rules.” I want my son and daughters to know when they’ve “crossed their own line” even if they haven’t crossed some line I set for them. So in this season where my son is “officially allowed” to watch a PG-13 movie I want to help him find ones that would be enriching to his life, instead of the trash. I wonder if you have an opinion for my PG-13 list. See below.

[highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]THE QUESTION[/highlight]
What PG-13 movies do you think are “worth watching” and why? They might come with an extra dose of violence, and maybe some more sexual suggestion or display, but you think they are worth taking a look at.
[highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]THE CAVEAT[/highlight]
I have already decided that SOME PG-13 movies are ok for my kids to watch after the age of 13. Again, I tend to not be arbitrary in these decisions, which is why I’m asking advice. My son has already watched all or some of 5 PG-13 films: 1) Revenge of the Sith (except for the burning portion, which we skip), 2) The “dragon-riding” portion of the Avatar movie, 3) and all three of the Lord of the Rings Movies. Now, just because I’m asking your advice, I’m not saying I’ll follow it. You can suggest whatever you like, and give your reason why you think a wide-eyed impressionable teen should watch it. Know that I will be watching the films we choose from your list WITH him, for the forseeable future–so this is a “father-son movie-watching list.” Not a “go off with your ‘girlfriend’ and watch it” list.
[highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]So, what’s your take? What PG-13 movies would you suggest?[/highlight]
Put your suggestion in the comments below!
Have you heard what Max Lucado said about my book called Being Dad? Here’s his endorsement:
“Everything about this book says: read me! Dads are torn by time demands, wracked by guilt and confused by the thousand and one messages they hear. Fathers need help. This book will provide it. As a longtime friend and coworker of David Drury, I can vouch for his faith and preparation. His words will encourage men to embrace the highest call of their lives . . . fatherhood.” – Max Lucado, pastor and bestselling author