Have you found yourself reading my blog from time to time? Are you a “regular” here? If so, I’m proud to say that most every morning I’m thinking of you… because most every morning I wake up and write–I write to communicate, and no writer is really a writer until they have readers. So you make me who I am. To put it in another, more needy-and-desperate-sounding way…

So, if you’re one of my regulars, I have a few options for you to stay connected and updated with what I’m posting here on daviddrury.com…
But before I give you this information, I should tell you that if there’s anything I’ve learned from the big names in blogging, it’s that you have to give away stuff like crazy in order for people to make you famous. So, in order for you to join my “tribe” and expand my “platform” in insane ways, I will give away something unimaginable for each of these steps as you go deeper and deeper into the cult of personality that is DavidDrury.com
Subscribe (RSS & Email):
Subscribe via RSS – Served by FeedBurner, you’ll be able to read my posts right in the RSS Reader of your choice. If you subscribe to my RSS I will personally let you or one of your children marry one of my daughters, or my only son.
Subscribe via Email – Also served by FeedBurner, you’ll get each post as an email delivered directly to your inbox. If you subscribe via Email I will write your biography myself, being sure to inflate your accomplishments and make it sound like all of humanity depends on you with Lois Lane-like enthusiasm (so, like your Resume only expanded 40,000 words and published).
Stay Connected (Social Media):
If you’re hip & trendy & roll your eyes when someone says “twits” or “the twitters”, then Follow Me on Twitter. Some people post cool quotes on Twitter, but my hubris is so deep that I often quote myself so you might retweet me instead of Einstein. If you follow me on Twitter it’s not much of a commitment… so the only free thing you will receive is a strand of Albert Einstein’s hair, taped to the back of Princeton Letterhead.
If you’re a human, there’s a 1 in 7 chance you’re on Facebook already–seemingly the only user population in the world growing faster than global population. Join Me on Facebook and you will receive one zillion shares of stock in the Facebook company. Of course, this is worth half of what it was at it’s IPO–but it’s something.
Okay… it’s going to be very difficult to fulfill all these prize promises. But it’ll be worth it if you RSS, Subscribe, Like, Friend, Follow, Circle & Complete me.
-David “Writer Needing Attention” Drury
If you have no idea who I am but have somehow read to the bottom of this page… you are a trooper–and you should go here to learn more about me.
