This morning I was driving up to Chicago for meetings on Immigrant Ministry, in what has become, in my opinion, a spiritual successor to the Civil Rights Movement. Today...
I’ve been thinking that someone should write a book called “Reverend Doctor.” I’m not qualified to write it–but somebody should. Here’s the idea (feel free to steal it because...
Dave Barry said that meetings are “the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve it’s full potential.” Meetings are the universally despised part of...
May 1, 1978 is a day that will live in email infamy. On this day the first spam email was sent. Gary Thuerk was purportedly “aggressive” east-coast marketer in...
Don’t worry, when you’re dead there’s an upside: you can no longer receive email. Earthlings now send 294 billion emails each day, some of which may in fact be...
Happy 7th Birthday Twitter! I love Twitter. It’s a great place to see what real people are talking about instead of what the media wants you to talk about....
Paperman is an animated short film by John Kahrs which won the Oscar award for that category last night. If you watched the Oscars, you might remember that this...
1. Every sentence should make sense in isolation. Like that one. 2. Excessive hyperbole is literally the kiss of death. 3. ASBMAETP: Acronyms Should Be Memorable And Easy To...
The next time someone confuses correlation vs. causation send them this link. If they don’t get it (and instead somehow think this graph proves that organic food causes autism)...