[quote_box author=”” profession=””]I have a simple rule: no reading till writing. I could read all day, so I work first, then I eat.[/quote_box] [quote_box author=”” profession=””]Kant once said that...
From time to time I use the following words earnestly, but incorrectly. On this day, 17 September 2012, I have decided to use them less in the future–if possible...
Perhaps out of a faint sense of prophecy and numerology, many preachers and writers since the 9/11 tragic terrorist attacks have chosen one or more of the “9:11” verses...
GUEST POST by TIM SMITH (Bio below) Steve DeNeff and David Drury begin their book this way: “More than half a million people have heart-bypass surgery in America every...
I asked this simple question on “Wesleyan Pastors” on Facebook: It was crazy to see how many pastors commented on this so quickly. (One might suggest that a great...
Here are two competing maxims of leadership: On the one hand, we are told: Simplicity rules. Portable is memorable. Complexity confuses. So KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid. However, we...
[youtube link=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFE4rkSaKOY” width=”590″ height=”315″] My friend and colleague Stevan Sheets (@navets) tweeted about this sweet Internet Explorer 9 commercial, saying: Like him, I’m really impressed by this commercial. But unlike him,...
Yes, Al Goracke shot his most recent “60 Second DS” spot with a picture of me in the background, next to Ron Burgundy. I will let you interpret that as...
“People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent.” ― Bob Dylan* Today Jonah Lehrer, staff writer at the New Yorker and author of...
“If you can’t preach on grace, you can’t preach on anything. And if you can preach really well on grace, you can preach on anything.” [quote_right]”If you’re missing grace, you’re...