A man who goes blind loses what he knows, and that is precisely the loss. The man, having gone blind, remembers what the look of the sunset, a Father’s...
This morning I was driving up to Chicago for meetings on Immigrant Ministry, in what has become, in my opinion, a spiritual successor to the Civil Rights Movement. Today...
The next time someone confuses correlation vs. causation send them this link. If they don’t get it (and instead somehow think this graph proves that organic food causes autism)...
Déjà vu is that odd experience where you look at something something new, but it seems oddly familiar. You might even “remember” a scene you are in at the...
Moses Maimonides is one of the most respected Jewish philosophers of all time. He was born way back in the 1100s of the Middle Ages, shortly after the Norman...
Perhaps out of a faint sense of prophecy and numerology, many preachers and writers since the 9/11 tragic terrorist attacks have chosen one or more of the “9:11” verses...
GUEST POST by TIM SMITH (Bio below) Steve DeNeff and David Drury begin their book this way: “More than half a million people have heart-bypass surgery in America every...
I asked this simple question on “Wesleyan Pastors” on Facebook: It was crazy to see how many pastors commented on this so quickly. (One might suggest that a great...
“If you can’t preach on grace, you can’t preach on anything. And if you can preach really well on grace, you can preach on anything.” [quote_right]”If you’re missing grace, you’re...
As Emerging Young Preachers (EYPs) we often have a lot of energy and a real eagerness to communicate. People usually connect with our passion, our conversational tone, and our...