Missio Alliance posted an article entitled “Why I Learned to Stop Worrying About the Billy Graham Rule and Love Like Jesus.” I passed it on to some and a...
As a leader from time to time I become frustrated that my vision for my organization has not yet become our vision. The “our” in that changes depending on...
During my graduate work and thesis on The Lord’s Supper I developed a clear conviction: The Eucharist is one of the great opportunities to offer a salvation commitment experience...
We all talk about “empowering young leaders” and there are many upsides to that: We get new talent to fill slots. We are able to influence the ministry longer...
I just sent this email to the administrative assistant of the pastor at the church I attend. What kind of reply would you give to this, Pastors? ———- I...
You may have heard of a minister who received special immigrant status. Raul Rivera from StartCHURCH covered this and explained it in an article posted May 12, 2014. The...
Let me paraphrase something Ravi Zacharias said, (rewritten in the 1st person) “In the 50s we lost our innocence. In the 60s, we lost our authority. In the 70s,...
Our Pharisee coaches at the Holy Roller Pharisee Consultancy have given us 6 steps in this journey (see below for links). Here are two more ways to be holier...
[Caveat: this post is somewhat for people of “my tribe” and it may not relate well to “your tribe.” Take it with that grain of salt, and perhaps consider...