ANNOUNCEMENT: I wrote a children’s book and 12 people will win a free copy of the book by entering the contest below! Yes, I would never have imagined...
Seriously… this is boring stuff to most people. HOWEVER, you might learn something and appreciate the work that people with higher IQs than I put into it. Today The...
[youtube link=”″ width=”590″ height=”315″] Perhaps you have seen clips like these before. Yesterday was “Black Friday” and they tell us that “Cyber Monday” is coming. I declare today to...
A friend of mine from my church asked this question: “Theological question: which do you think is more important in reference to communion: eating the elements or observing thru...
In the late 1800s a man going by the name “Father Brunner” envisioned a part of the United States with churches in every hamlet and village across the plains....
Lately I’ve been reviewing the somewhat interesting journey of the launch of Friday Night Live which I’m calling “The Sleeper Sensitive Church.” [box type=”note_box” style=”” class=””]If you’re catching up,...
2015 UPDATE: Steven “Truth” Malcolm has a new song out called “Fleek” that you can hear by clicking here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In 2011 Steve DeNeff and I co-authored a book called...
This next moment in my spiritual journey was one of the “highs” that youth pastors talk about (not the “highs” most people talk about.) Last week I shared the...
The next stop in my faith journey involved diving deep into a new ministry start. As I journaled last week–we had done a survey on Sunday mornings of all...
Continuing where I left off… I was involved in a college student ministry that I loved. It seemed like the the perfect mix of community & worship, teaching &...