A few days before LENT 2014 I posted 5 riddles about the 5 things I’m giving up and some rationale behind the traditional pattern I’m using to fast. The...
I’m engaging in five new daily habits for LENT 2014 and also fasting from five things. Can you guess what I’m giving up for Lent? Here are five riddles...
Trust counts in communicating truth. This question sticks with me as I build relationships with those that are not seeking God: Are you willing to have the same unconditional...
Let me paraphrase something Ravi Zacharias said, (rewritten in the 1st person) “In the 50s we lost our innocence. In the 60s, we lost our authority. In the 70s,...
Many think that converting someone to Christ is worth it regardless of whether it sticks or not. However, there is nothing quite so dangerous as to inoculate someone to...
Nothing feels quite so irrelevant as those who earnestly pursue relevance. It’s like parents attempting to speak the slang of their teenagers. It’s your Algebra teacher using awkward hashtag...
Little things make a difference in communication. For instance, note the difference between this… “Let’s eat, Grandma.” and this… “Let’s eat Grandma.” The first one sounds like Thanksgiving. The...
Why you say it matters more than what you say.* Tone counts in communicating truth. I had an interesting conversation with a Hindu and a Sikh while I...
I remember the first time I shared my faith with someone. I had memorized an entire outline which I crammed into the poor fella’s ears over lunch in my...
Our Pharisee coaches at the Holy Roller Pharisee Consultancy have given us 6 steps in this journey (see below for links). Here are two more ways to be holier...