I am often asked what version of the Bible I use. The answer is complicated. For one, I just can’t pick only one. There are so many amazing translations....
A lot of information comes at us each and every day on the internet, social media, or by carrier pigeon and smoke signal, depending on your Wifi speed. It can...
Two of my favorite people in the world are my Uncle and Aunt, Jon and Liz Bailey. Their story is a powerful one of unexpected redemption, faith in difficult...
Believe it or not, today, October 1, 2015, is the 20th Annual Willy Wonka Day in the Drury Home. My wife and I began this tradition long ago, and have...
ORIGINAL POSTER shares story of pain and heartache, hoping for change or practical help. BFF of OP offers brief support. OP’S DISTANT RELATIVE replies noting the bigger societal problem behind...
Today I jumped on the Bibliotheca bandwagon. What is Bibliotheca, you may ask, and where is said bandwagon heading to? The Bibliotheca Bandwagon is heading toward this: What is...
Russian President Vladimir Putin has keenly required that the International Olympic Committee add many events to the sporting competitions at Sochi 2014. Some have criticized President Putin for lobbying...
Perhaps in every age we are fascinated with the post-apocalyptic. But the advantage of today is that we have photoshop and computer-generated movies to make things actually LOOK post-apocalyptic....
2014 New Year’s Resolutions “The Gluten-Free, Cake-Pop, & Dialysis Diet Edition” By David Drury I tend to look upon New Year’s Resolutions with some sense of skepticism. Sorry. I’m...
We’ve already heard four ways to be holier than thou from our Pharisee coaches at the Holy Roller Pharisee Consultancy (see below for links). But here are two more ways...