A word for my fellow Christians: You may know that I have had concerns about Christian nationalism and civil religion for some time–and its many incarnations in many political...
As of this day, August 21, 2017, I believe that the evangelical movement is dead. At least, it appears to be dead. As a movement, evangelicalism is no longer...
At this point in the ’16 presidential election process the favored candidate doesn’t have any idea he will not receive a majority of the votes in the general election. He doesn’t know he will...
[I was recently interviewed alongside Ed Stetzer and James Bradford about Cultural Myths and the church over at PE News, an Assemblies of God publication. Among other news, the image...
ORIGINAL POSTER shares story of pain and heartache, hoping for change or practical help. BFF of OP offers brief support. OP’S DISTANT RELATIVE replies noting the bigger societal problem behind...
The Wednesday after an election is usually one of brow-furrowing and finger-pointing by the losing party with chest-thumping and victory-speeches by the winners. In the middle of all this, I’m...